• Concerns About Shedding From Propecia – What Are The Chances It Will Occur?

    I have spent countless hours researching hair loss including getting bombarded by television, radio, internet, etc etc. It’s nice to be able to read a website (The Bald Truth & IAHRS) and listen to someone with obvious knowledge in the field. I know you always write a disclaimer in your emails that you’re not a doctor but I’m willing to bet you know more about the subject of hair loss, physically and emotionally than 99% of the doctors out there.

    I have 2 questions and I appreciate any time you put into responding. I am 32 years old and first noticed I started thinning when I was about 25. I haven’t done a thing for it but to be honest it’s been really gradual. I’m currently about a stage 3 on the scale (I forget the name) so it’s definitely time to either “shave it or save it”.

    I am going to start using Propecia, hopefully I didn’t wait too long to get that working. I’m just wondering about the ‘shedding’ phase. It doesn’t mention it on the Propecia website and I haven’t been able to find much credible information on this. I’m just wondering what the chances are of this occurring, and if it does happen how much shedding given the worst case scenario? Read more ›

  • Dealing With Hair Loss and My Concerns For The Future | Mike’s Hair Loss Story

    It was a week or two before my 23rd birthday and while at work, I finally took a closer look in the mirror at what I believed were two extremely small bald spots at the temples. I thought it had something to do with my haircut, or the way my hair was combed, but even after my co workers told me it was nothing, I knew deep down that something bad was going on.

    All my life I looked at my father’s side of the families terrible male pattern baldness. Growing up however, I never ever once thought that baldness could happen to me. I just felt that I wasn’t the type, and certainly didn’t have the “look” to go bald. Over on my mothers side, along with my maternal grandfather, it’s 100% full heads of hair. But fast forward a little over a year from that day at work, while having just turned 24, and my temples have now receded drastically to the point where I can barely cover them up anymore. Everyday is a struggle, having to worry about fixing my hair. Read more ›

  • Hair Loss Has Destroyed My Life: Jake’s Story

    I am writing this on a Saturday night. Even 2 years ago I would be out on Saturday nights being social and loving it. I was a senior in high school then with absolutely no signs of hair loss, and looking forward to everything the future was going to bring me.

    That was then, and now a completely different story.

    I am ONLY 20 (not 25, 26) years old and within only 2 years have almost gone completely bald with diffuse male pattern baldness. Everyday my life is a struggle and its slowly ripping me apart. To make matters worse, there are no signs of hair loss in my family. Hair loss has changed my life so much its really amazing. People started making comments my first year of college and I just ignored it, but when my hair really started going I started to have panic attacks and soon I was forced to move back home and leave that college. Read more ›



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