Recent Posts (Page 12)

  • A Paradigm Shift Has Begun – Where Will Your Hair Transplant Surgeon Fit?

    Spencer Kobren and Joe Tillman talk about changes in the overall marketing landscape of the hair restoration industry and how it compares to the early days of hair transplant internet promotion. “Truth in Advertising” is the key to the future so where will you wind up in the future history books?

    ‘s The Bald Truth is internationally syndicated through the GFQ Network

  • Do You Know The True History Of Your Hair Transplant Surgeon? We Do…

    Unethical, and misleading marketing has been the cornerstone of the hair transplant industry since its inception, and while prospective patients do have access to resources that can help them navigate the minefield of online BS, and unethical physicians who pander to vulnerable hair loss sufferers, the sheer amount of information that patients need to sift through in today’s digital world is staggering. Spencer Kobren and Spencer (Spex) Stevenson discuss the reality of doing ones due diligence in today’s current environment, and the importance of learning how to separate the false narrative created by many in the field in oder to get down to the facts about the experience and expertise of your hair transplant surgeon.

    ‘s The Bald Truth is internationally syndicated through the GFQ Network



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