• Follica, Inc. – It’s Not Personal, It’s Business

    You would think that the online hair loss community would be thrilled to get the news that the baldness inspired biotech startup, Follica Inc., raised another $7.5 million in equity financing. You would also think that with a total of $13 million raised by the company in its series B round of funding, that the public would understand that something good is happening here.

    Well think again. While it’s no secret that emotions run high for many active readers and posters in our community, some of the more emotional and vocal members are sharply criticizing Follica Inc. and its partners for attempting to keep their business plan and progress close to their collective vest.

    No matter how desperate we are as hair loss sufferers, it’s important to understand that any organization that is legitimately involved in the race to effectively treat or cure hair loss has an obligation to its investors to maintain a certain level of knowledge management. Read more ›

  • Histogen’s HSC Complex – An In Depth Discussion

    The hair loss world is buzzing about Histogen’s small, but impressive pilot clinical trial. Despite some much talked about setbacks, it looks like it’s “all systems go” for the San Diego based startup.

    Last year Histogen was forced to layoff thirty six of it’s employees after its fundraising efforts were stifled when a rival company located in Carlsbad, CA called SkinMedica, filed a patent infringement lawsuit against the the company. While the case is still pending, Histogen’s founder and CEO, Dr. Gail Naughten was still able to raise enough cash to keep her core group of researchers and employees on the job. Naughton states that Histogen has also received the substantial funding needed to underwrite the additional studies that are soon to take place in Singapore.

    The hair loss community has its collective fingers crossed, as is illustrated by the tone of last weeks Tuesday night TBT broadcast.

    Here’s a segment:



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