Currently Using Propecia, Minoxidil, Saw Palmetto, Nisim Etc. – Should I Stick With This Program?

I have recently read your book “The Bald Truth” and a lot of the information contained is what I had already have been doing over the year, but it was good to have it reinforced (Great book by the way). I am a 32 year old male currently using Propecia, with minoxidil (periodically) and an assortment of supplements including saw palmetto, B vitamin complex , silica, zinc, EFA’s etc.. along with treatment shampoos such as Nisim and a 2% ketoconazole prescription one. I have been on this regime for about a year and a half and have been really strict with the Propecia, and on and off with the rest.

I have noticed that although I have hair on top, it is really thin compared to the rest. When it’s wet it looks like plugs of hair which I never had a few years ago. It is also in the classic balding pattern on the entire top section of my head. I was just having doubts with what I am doing as it dosent seem that the medication is doing anything and I don’t feel I have regrown any hair to noticeable degree.

I just wanted to ask if you recommend I should stick with this program, and if there was anything else I could do to aid my battle as I thought it would have had some effect by now. I was considering trying to switch to Avodart, as it seems to be more potent, but then it is still pending approval from the FDA which makes me cautious.

Any information you would have would be greatly appreciated as I find looking on the Net, a bit of a mindfield of contradicting arguments. It really gets me down some days that I feel I have no control over this.

Thank you in advance,


Dear Paul,

You are correct concerning researching hair loss treatments on the internet, it is a minefield. The vast majority of hair loss information that’s provided on the web is complete crap. In my opinion and in the opinion of most experts, the products and services being promoted, even on websites appearing to be legitimate, are questionable at best.

Before I continue, I would like to make clear that I am NOT a physician and this information is my opinion based on over a decade of experience being a consumer advocate for men and women suffering with hair loss.

A simple rule of thumb when researching hair loss on the web would be to look for the American Hair Loss Association seal before taking the time to read the information provided on the site. The AHLA does not accept any financial support from companies in the hair loss industry, and only provides its certification seal to websites that provide legitimate information about hair loss and its treatment. Be VERY aware that hair loss websites, for the most part, are businesses and some have even lifted the AHLA seal in hopes of misleading vulnerable hair loss sufferers into believing that they are selling a legitimate product. Even if you see the American Hair Loss Association seal, always check with the AHLA before buying any product or service to treat your hair loss.

As far as your treatment is concerned, the question is, have you lost any ground since you began treatment? If the answer is no, than you’re in good shape.

After years of research and anecdotal information provided by my readers and listeners, I have come to the conclusion that the use of saw palmetto for the treatment of hair loss is a waste of time. In fact, we have found out over the years that by coupling Propecia and saw palmetto, some men experience an increase incidence of adverse sexual side effects. That’s not to say that will happen to you, but it has been reported.

I’d like to reiterate that I am not a physician, but again if your hair loss has not progressed since starting Propecia then you are in a very good position, and one of the lucky 86% who respond well to the drug.

We all want more hair and many hair loss sufferers have what I call “hairorexia.” If your hair is still looking pretty good I wouldn’t push the envelope in the hopes of thickening your hair up to where you were before you began the balding process. I think Propeica is truly a miracle drug for many, the problem is that we get greedy and forget how wonderful it is just to keep what we have.

I’m not a fan of the kitchen sink approach, but if you are currently using Rogaine, I would not stop using it since this could throw you into a pretty bad shed. My advise would be to stick to the program unless you are really getting worse. If you find you are losing ground, you can always talk to your doctor about increasing your dosage of finasteride.

Hope this helps!

Spencer Kobren
Host of The Bald Truth Radio Show
Founder, American Hair Loss Association
Founder and Director of Consumer/Patient Affairs, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS.ORG)


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  • Jason

    I have been using Propecia since it became available on the market, which is quite a few years. Have there been any adverse effects of using Propecia over a long period of time? Does this medication harm the liver in anyway?


  • Ron Gallant

    Hi, I am 59 year old man, hair thinning, with a enlarged prostate, my doctor gave me finasteride, .5 mg, but, it caused me to have sexual problems, no libeto, plus, no sperm when I did ejackulate, which, was seldom.. I notice that doctors in articles, usually prescribe 1 mg for hair loss, can I cut my 5 mg pill in 1/4ths and take it? it would give me .125 mg, that maybe would stop my sexual side effects to stop and help me with my thinning hair, do you agree? Plus, it is cheaper than what the doctors prescribe for hair loss. Thanks, Ron Gallant

  • scott

    hello. Been using minoxidil 5% for abouy 3 months at low dosage.The shedding has naturally occurred.I question the long term use of minoxidil in itself.If i stopped using it how long to get it out of sysytem.I’ve decided to just continue going bald without drugs.Though it is not easy.Hope science pulls through.

  • Yes u did i was curious about taking minoxidil just to thicken my hair but now i see its prob best if i dont unless i get really bald

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